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In many communities there is a widespread epidemic that
is causing many people to end up homeless and on the street.
#HomelessNoGo is working to provide resources in the areas of
housing, services, programs and more.
It is important to understand that the top five reasons
that people fall into homelessness are
a lack of affordable housing,
a lack of a living wage, domestic violence,
medical bankruptcy and mental illness.
Within our communities we will partner/work with local
homeless shelters, food pantries and also other agencies
to bring much needed resources to those in need.
One of the ways we intend to help the homeless
and create awareness about homelessness in the
community is to organize a collection for food and/or clothes.

In the near future
along with the resources is striving
to provide much needed

Transitional housing is temporary housing for certain segments
of the homeless population, including working homeless people who are
earning too little money to afford long-term housing.
Transitional housing is set up to transition residents into permanent,
affordable housing. It is not in an emergency homeless shelter, but usually
a room or apartment in a residence with support services.
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